Wednesday, May 1, 2013

7 Billion Share This and the Glass is Less than Half Full

Water is our most precious resource and we all need to conserve and preserve it before we are a dry world that is a wasteland. I plead for everyone to take seriously this issue before it is too late.

Lake Mono Needs Help

1941, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power began diverting Mono Lake's tributary streams 350 miles south to meet the growing water demands of Los Angeles. Deprived of its freshwater sources, the volume of Mono Lake halved, while its salinity doubled. Unable to adapt to these changing conditions within such a short   period of time, the ecosystem began to collapse. The photo at left was taken in 1962, after the lake had already dropped almost 25 vertical feet.

When the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power began diverting Mono Lake's tributary streams in 1941, the Lake No longer received its total annual freshwater inflow. By 1982, Mono Lake dropped 45 vertical feet, lost half its volume, and doubled in salinity. Vast alkali dust flats were exposed, the islands where birds nest became connected to the mainland, and the brine shrimp and alkali flies on which millions of migratory birds depend were threatened.

Mono Lake makes for great photos, but soon it will become salt flats if we don't save it.